For this congregation, I give thanks!
For this gathering each week in your name;
for hungry hearts and thirsty minds,
for the heavy-laden and the light-hearted,
for the fervent and the bored,
for those who come to give and those who only take,
for voices lifted in joy and for those with mouths shut tight,
for the clear-eyed, dry-eyed and those who weep,
for the faithful and the merely habitual,
for the babies in arms and seniors in wheelchairs,
thanks for all ages worshiping this morning
–we are your church. Alleluia!
To do my job as pastor here, here is what I need from You:
wisdom to interpret scripture,
courage to speak the truth,
eloquence to touch frozen hearts,
patience when people won’t listen,
kindness for those who irk me,
strength to shoulder hard stories,
discretion to know when to speak,
self-control to remain silent,
hope in the face of hopelessness.
Above all these give me love for all your people
and a passionate longing for your presence.