Thank you, God, for your love which does not break down;
and for Jesus Christ who extended love to the lowest and the least.
Thank you for that love which continues to rise from the dead,
breaking out of places where we see only death and destruction.
Love’s new life breaking out in a thousand thousand places,
who knows how–a tide of love, working through all people of good will,
working through your church.
And in spite of all that, we still break down.
We break promises we’ve made, we break trust with those we love.
We confess that there is brokenness in many families,
and we need your help.
We confess that our communities fail vulnerable people,
and that there are people we pass by on the street
who do not have enough to eat, and are homeless.
Help us remember your love, and live accordingly,
working for justice and peace, being generous
with our time and supporting organizations that work for healing.
Give us wisdom as we support those among us who are sick or grieving.
We name particularly ________________
We want to be a community of love, empowered by your Spirit of love.
For the opportunity to serve we give thanks,
following the loving example of our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.