A child is a precious gift,
given into the hands of birth parents, adopted parents,
caregivers, relatives, and a church community.
Together we undertake the raising of children
and together we ask for help, God!
Give us endurance as we care for babies,
putting their needs ahead of our own,
caring through the bone-weariness of sleepless nights.
Give us patience as we care for toddlers,
guiding and correcting with warm voices and hearts.
As our young ones learn language,
help us to delight in the joy of discovery,
seeing the world through their new eyes;
help us to become like children.
As our children grow and mature,
give us wisdom to know when to hold on, and when to let go,
when to discipline, and when to comfort.
In caring for children, we admit that we have made mistakes,
we have put our own needs ahead of theirs,
we have not always been kind,
we have not always been the kind of parent we would like to be,
that you have called us to be.
Forgive us, and help us to be people who apologize,
modeling repentance for our children.
Today we also pray for parents and children who are grieving
because they have lost each other,
whether through death or estrangement.
Thank you that you are our great Caregiver,
loving us with a love deeper and stronger
than any we have ever known. Amen.