God of gardens,
thank you for the garden of [name your area]
for tree peonies and white lilacs,
for graceful roses, and sweet honeysuckle [name the flowers that bloom in your area]
For fields carpeted in green, for vegetables growing, for fruit setting,
for the whole wide earth teeming with life everywhere we look,
for the birds that sing choruses of praise every morning.
The kingdom of God is like this;
beautiful and rich and many faceted,
blooming in hearts around the world for those who have eyes to see.
The news tells us every horrible thing that happens,
but you bring good news:
that people do love each other, that people do help each other,
that you care for us, that we can make a difference.
Help us to be your messengers of good news,
help us to be good news.
We need this assurance because we are sometimes overwhelmed with bad news,
in our families and our communities.
Forgive us for the times this week that we have been short and angry with those we love,
callous and uncaring towards our neighbours or the people we work with.
Give us open hearts, that grow in love towards every place where love is not.
Let this generosity be seen not just in our words, but in our deeds,
and especially in how we share our time and our money.
Give us compassion especially today for those among us who are grieving,
who feel the ache of loved ones who are no longer here.
Give us compassion also for those among us who struggle with illness
who are undergoing tests, or taking medication
or are afraid to take medication for physical or mental illnesses.
This morning we also pray for our police officers, our firefighters, our teachers,
and for all the many people who work in public services.
Thank you for their contributions to growing good communities.
At this time where public corruption is so prevalent in the news,
help us as a country to cultivate justice and honesty.
God of gardens, be with us this week,
wherever we grow,
in your name, Amen.