God of every blessing, for your protection
and all the good of this past year,
accept our heartfelt and humble thanks.
For every closed mind
that has creaked open just a crack;
For every call to arms
that was not heeded;
For every homemade bomb
that was not left in the shopping mall;
For every generous gift
that made the difference between life and death;
For every time past mistakes
have given us pause;
For every estranged family member
who took a deep breath and went home;
For every sudden decision
to say the encouraging word after all;
For every small action taken
to heal our harms to Mother Earth;
For all these things we say thank you.
For every time someone actually went back
and said thank you thank you
to one who made a difference in their life;
these things rest on our mind at the end of the year.
God of every blessing, for your protection
and all the good of this past year,
accept our heartfelt and humble thanks,
scraps falling from the feast of love.