Hear our prayers for reporters, Lord.
In this surroundsound world
with information and lies
mixed on every platform,
raise up truth-tellers
who want to get the story right.
People who are not content with face value,
who smell a rat at any distance,
who are not intimidated by intimidators.
Reporters who care about those
who others abuse and discard.
Reporters who seek out sources,
work diligently to get the whole picture,
and who write with passion and integrity.
Protect them from those who would
kill the story, or even kill the writer of the story.
Help them find ways to share their work,
and even make a living doing it.
In a world where truth is sometimes in short supply,
remind us that we need to support reporters
whose craft is research,
whose gift is clear communication,
and whose product is the bedrock of democracy.