Lord, we are praying for those we love
whose lives are chained by the power of drugs.
They have sacrificed everything to this cruel master :
work, home, relationships, honesty,
even love seems barely to matter.
And still more is demanded of them:
we fear it will take their very life.
We need a miracle
because we’ve done everything we can think of.
Where there is recklessness, bring caution,
where there is compulsion, bring freedom,
where there is desperation, bring hope,
where death looms,
we need your power to save.
You broke the power of the grave,
you can rescue this dear one.
Thank you that your gaze is on us continually,
even those lost in the maze of addiction
are dear to you, you call them by name.
Nothing can stop your love.
Give us strength to walk this journey faithfully.
You walk with us,
the journey is long.