Hear our prayer for muddlers everywhere.
People with good intentions doing the wrong thing, diligently.
Seekers heading in the wrong direction, energetically.
Helpers choosing the wrong methods, heartily.
Do-gooders rushing in to make a difference,
not realizing that the difference they are making
is not in a positive direction.
It’s so easy to see this in others;
give us insight into our own missteps,
our own misguided blunderings.
We aren’t setting out to do harm,
and we truly want to help,
help our unhelpfulness.
Give us ears to hear the voices of victims,
as we ask them what they need, what they want.
Take our pride and desire for recognition,
and replace it with humility and compassion.
If there is one thing we want to be, it’s thankful people.
Thankful that you give us life and breath,
thankful for this community, for our friends and family,
thankful for an ordered society which even thought it isn’t perfect
muddles along as best it can.
Thank you that you love us, even though we make mistakes.
We want to be your servants,
walking faithfully in your footsteps,
day by day, day in and day out. Amen.