1. In the name of Christ, First Born of all Creation,
2. in the name of Jesus, the Second Adam, born of Mary,
3. in the name of Immanuel, the Nazarene, who lived among us,
1. in the name of Christ, the Baptized One, first in obedience,
2. in the name of Jesus, Wilderness Dweller, tried and tested,
3. in the name of Immanuel, Word of Love for all people,
1. in the name of Christ, Healer of our Every Ill,
2. in the name of Jesus, Welcomer of Children,
3. in the name of Immanuel, Beloved Teacher,
1. in the name of Christ, Transfigured Son of God,
2. in the name of Jesus, Bread of Life for the whole word,
3. in the name of Immanuel, Bearer of our Sins, even unto death,
1. in the name of Christ, the Resurrected One,
2. in the name of Jesus, First Born from the Dead,
3. in the name of Immanuel, the Morning Star,
seated at the right hand of God,
All: in the power of these holy names we stand.
1. Lies be gone, you cannot stay, Christ reigns here.
2. Shame be gone, you cannot stay, Jesus reigns here.
3. Hate be gone, you cannot stay, Immanuel reigns here.
1. Where Christ reigns, there is on earth peace.
2. Where Jesus reigns, there is on earth love.
3. Where Immanuel reigns, there is on earth hope.
All: Christ reigns here!
1. Amen!
2. Amen!
3. Amen!