Almighty God,
we come to you filled to the brim with sorrow
because our loved one, (name), has died.
We can hardly absorb this fact.
This time of quarantine and social distancing
has meant that not everyone was here
who wanted to be here.
We may have different feelings about
the care that was given
or was unable to be given in the hospital.
And now when we want to be together to grieve,
we can’t have a visitation,
and we have to delay a memorial service.
We need your holy presence with us,
connecting us, supporting us, giving us hope.
Thank you for (name), whose life was a gift.
Thank you for everything about them,
and the dear memories we have.
Thank you that they loved deeply,
and were deeply loved.
Thank you that they dwell in safety now,
in the joy and peace of heaven,
surrounded by loved ones who have gone before us.
Be with us in the coming weeks.
Help us as we reach out in virtual ways
to those who can support us
or who need support.
We are still worried about this virus,
and losing more family members and friends.
Preserve and protect us.
We trust that your Spirit is the Great Comforter,
with solace enough for all the world’s sorrows.
Be with us now.
In Jesus’s name we pray, Amen.