God, make us truly faithful; body and soul.
Faithful to your love, your trust in us;
sticking close to you through thick and thin.
Faithful to those dear to us,
putting their needs first.
Faithful to our partners, if we have them,
loving their flesh as our own.
Faithful to the stranger,
honouring their humanity.
Faithful to the hungry and hurting,
sharing food and comfort.
We confess our unfaithfulness:
we have worshipped at the altar of “Me First”,
we have walked by the beauty of the world
as if it wasn’t worthy of our notice.
We pledge allegiance to Jesus this week,
and we thank you for his presence at our side.
Help us reach out to those we know who are sick,
especially _________
Many here are grieving, and we remember ___________.
Be with our congregation this week
as we strive to be a faithful loving community,
sharing good news and practical help with those around us.
We remember our world-wide partners,
who seek to build bridges and make peace in your name,
and we ask your blessing on the work of ________________.
God of grace, we ask all these things because we know
your faithfulness is great;
your compassion never fails.
You give us strength for today,
and bright hope for tomorrow.
And so we say thank you, and Amen.