God of grace, giver of great gifts of insight and hope,
thank you for every epiphany that will happen today.
For every one following a sign from heaven,
for every one taking long journeys when they don’t know the way,
for every one falling on their knees before a baby,
for every one giving gifts from their heart,
for every one being bowled over by love,
for every one sensing God’s Spirit that connects us,
for every one seeing kinship in the eyes of a stranger,
for every one breathing in the scent of cedar and soil,
for every one being guided by generations yet unborn,
for every one discarding, at long last, a heavy bundle of resentment,
for every one dropping a weapon because there are no enemies,
for every one giving thanks today to the one who made us,
for every one recognizing what is holy,
for every one realizing the meaning of the journey,
for every one who lives with stars in their eyes;
for all these epiphanies we give thanks to you, God,
the giver of insight and hope. Amen