The heavens are telling the stories of God.
God casting constellations and comets,
dreaming galaxies beyond measure,
detailing stars and supernovas.
From our tiny terrestrial home
our naked eyes take in the Milky Way,
our telescopes perch in space
expanding our deep field vision.
We are so small, God,
why do you notice us?
Your ways are higher than our ways:
our solar system is your molecule,
our light years are seconds to you.
And yet you make the earth shine,
you keep our beautiful blue planet
spinning through space.
You created us in your image
and gave us voices;
day after day we pour forth praise,
night after night we sing your songs.
Thank you for the universal story
we see through the window of our world.
We pray for illumination,
and millions of years ago
you set the stars to shining.
Tonight they bathe us with starlight.
Waves of gravity flow through us;
you hold us together.
Thank you for your love
which is beyond imaginings;
astronomical, stellar, cosmic.
Praise be to you, God of all that is,
that was, and is yet to be.