Thank you, God, for teachers
whose work this pandemic year
has made such a difference
in the lives of students and their families.
For the way they showed care and concern through a screen;
for hours spent adapting lessons to an on-line format;
for the way they made learning fun;
for the keeping track of every student,
even the ones that didn’t show up;
for the extra mile they went for those kids
whose parents were working
and couldn’t monitor on-line studying;
for the encouragement they offered
to parents at the end of their rope;
for their tired eyes and backs from leaning in;
for the times they despaired but kept going;
for the way they risked infection
when we didn’t know much about this virus;
for the hope they showed in hard times;
and for their belief in the specialness
of every child they taught.
Bless them with a restful summer,
where they can relax and rejuvenate
and reflect on a school year
that was truly an education. Amen