God of life,
thank you for empty tombs
and Jesus Christ, risen and alive.
Thank you that death does not have the final word, ever.
We pray for all who find it difficult to believe in resurrection
this Easter morning:
victims of natural disasters, or terrorism,
those who are caught in financial hardship, or webs of addiction,
those who are struggling with sickness or are weighed down with depression.
Especially we pray for people on the edge of terrorist attacks,
people who feel that violence is the answer that will bring change,
people with guns and bombs and plans to use them…
Lord in your mercy, show them another way.
We pray for our own communities–
show us places where we can work for peace,
reaching out to those who are desperate and hurting.
Thank you that you are working every day in every way,
new life bursting forth where it seems there is only death,
surprising us with hope and delight.
Be with those of us today who are meeting with family,
and those of us who will spend a quiet day;
in everything we do or say, we want to give glory to Jesus
who is risen, risen indeed.
Alleluia, Amen