This Christmas, you come as a Saviour to the lost.
We gather here, we who have lost heart,
lost hope, lost patience, lost time.
We have lost innocence, we are losing the race,
we feel like lost souls.
This Christmas, we want to be finding you–
finding you in the silence of the gray morning
and in the sweet smile of a child;
finding you in the dark starry sky
and in the warm handshake of a friend;
finding you in the familiar Christmas narrative
and in the story of a stranger;
finding you in our own hearts
and in the face of our enemies.
Immanuel, God with us,
we wait for your presence this Christmas;
help us to give with generous hearts
and receive with thankfulness.
Give us patience in the face of irritation
and kindness in the face of anger;
fill us with contentment and peace
and remove all jealousy from us.
Hear our prayer for those in our community
who are hurting, especially ______________.
Each of us has someone dear who is lost to us,
whether because we have lost touch,
or because conflict has torn us apart.
Be a healing presence here,
so that we can find our way back to each other.
This year, may our celebration of your birth
give honour to you in all we say and do
and may we enter the New Year
refreshed and recommitted to your service. Amen