God, we invite you into the fights of our lives;
fights with the ones we love the most,
our brothers and sisters, our partners and parents, our children.
Despite all our promises and hopes to honour and cherish,
we drop the ball and all hell breaks loose.
Words explode like grenades on the home front.
“You never,” “You should,” “You always.”
“I’m sick and tired of,” “Not this again,” “That’s it.”
Anger spews out of us,
fear and rage rumble inside.
We know how this plays out,
and it’s not going to be pretty.
God, you are the Referee who calls a time-out.
You’ve seen every move, followed every play;
the blood, sweat and tears are all too familiar.
At first we pray fervently,
trying to get you into our corner.
“Father, there are snakes and vipers,
and look at all the foul things done against me!”
We become aware of your eyes on us.
It dawns, slowly, that you have beloved children
on each team here.
With firm patience, you explain the rules again.
“No hitting. Play fair. Love one another as I have loved you.”
Jesus, help us review and remember.
Be with us as we take a deep breath
and enter again into the game You are calling—
a match made on earth as it is in heaven.