I weave a circle of prayer around this sanctuary
Protect, dear God, this space from sin.
Let evil thoughts be dropped in the parking lot
along with petty quarrels and all bitterness.
Let selfishness be relinquished on the steps
and pride be renounced at the threshold.
Let quarrelling be left at the door
and all hard feelings be hung up in the cloakroom.
Help us enter this hour of worship simply,
as children, eager to meet you here.
I weave a circle of prayer around this sanctuary.
Equip, dear God, this space for worship.
Let love be present in every handshake
and every meeting of eyes.
Let spirits be open to your presence,
and let our hearts be eager to feel your embrace.
Let music touch our deepest chords
and let our prayers be the melody we hum as we go.
Let us leave this hour of worship carrying no baggage,
only the blessings of your sacred congregation.