New Year’s Benediction

May the God who gave us this year
and the Saviour who walked at our side each day
and the Spirit who filled us with life abundant,
grace the coming year with peace and hope and joy,

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Jesus, arrived at last

he baby emerges
like every baby:
wet, naked and wrinkled,
mouth opening for breath,
lungs expanding like a wet butterfly,
fingers stretching, eyes blinking.
The first wailing cry. 

Arms cradle,
hands touch each limb,
smoothing, cleaning, swaddling.
Two adults weak with relief,

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Joyful Song Call to Worship

ing a joyful song to the Lord,
sing carols for the birth of a saviour!
Raise your voices in praise to the Lord of hosts,
and give thanks with all your hearts!
Welcome to worship this morning,
it’s a delight to be in the house of God with you this morning! 

Let’s pray together;
Thank you, God, for melodies and harmonies,
for voices of every pitch.
Thank you for composers and poets,
for instruments and musicians.
Thank you for ears to hear
and minds to comprehend

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Newborn Saviour Call to Worship

God of darkness, God of light,
God of stars and angels,
God of weary travellers and stables,
God of hard labour and new birth,
we come today to worship you.
Open our eyes to your glory,
open our ears to your wisdom
open our hearts to your love
as we come to worship
Jesus, our newborn Saviour.

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Holy Night Prayer

O God, on this holy night,
we celebrate your birth among us as a human child.
We celebrate alongside Mary and Joseph,
who through their everyday work of parenting
became part of your story of salvation.                   

On the first Christmas, there was no room in the inn.
Protect with your love those in our community who have no home tonight,
who are living under bridges, in abandoned buildings or in hostels.
We pray especially for homeless families with babies,
who bear the fragility of new life in hard and anxious times.

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Holy Holy Holy Call to Worship

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
the whole earth is full of his glory. [Isaiah 6:3 NRSV]
The Lord of hosts is with us.
Let us lift up our hearts!
We lift them up to the Lord!
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God!
It is a good and joyful thing to give God thanks and praise!
Let us pray:
Holy God, we come together as your people
searching for sacred space,
longing to be cherished,
craving a real connection.

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Advent Darkness Prayer

God, you created this cold and dark time of waiting,
where the sun is far away and our part of the world sleeps.
Thank you for trees whose structural beauty is revealed in nakedness,
and for evergreens, giving us pleasure in this gray season.
Thank you for snow, blanketing the earth in white.
Thank you for all the animals, snug in their winter beds,
and for birds which are travelling from Canada to tropical places.
Thank you for the harvest whose stored bounty we still enjoy;
root vegetables, apples, and even last spring’s harvest of maple syrup.
Thank you for the dark of night, and all the stars of heaven.
Thank you for the sound of the wind.

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Way of Peace Call to Worship

By the tender mercy of our God,
the dawn from on high will break upon us,
to give light to those who sit in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace.  Luke 1:78-79

Let us pray:
God of great gifts
we give you thanks for the gift of your son
who was in every way like us.
We who are chained to the cycle of life and death
found freedom in this child
who is our Saviour, Immanuel, God with us.
Be with us today,
as we listen, as we sing, as we pray.
Fill us with your Spirit
giving light in the bleakest of seasons,
leading us in the way of peace.  Amen.

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Call the Congregation!

Call the congregation,
assemble the people,
join together in worship to God!
We long to be made holy through the Spirit
who sanctifies us in Jesus’ name.
We dedicate this hour to God,
and to God’s glory. 

Let’s pray:
Here we are God!
We’ve come from our week
filled with many things.
Some are filled with joy and excitement;
others with sorrow and despair.

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About Carol Penner

I am a Mennonite pastor currently teaching theology at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve served congregations in Ontario and most recently, Alberta.

I love to write and to lead worship! If you are finding my writing helpful, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to use or adapt the material here, it is all written by me. If printing material, please credit “Copyright Carol Penner” (and say whether you modified it). If publishing, please contact me for permission. Contact me at

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