Carol Penner

Jesus is Coming Call to Worship

Do not be afraid, Jesus is coming!
Jesus is coming to parties where people celebrate.
Jesus is coming to hillsides where people listen.
Jesus is coming to sickrooms where people suffer.
Jesus is coming to an occupied territory where people long to be free.
Today we join with crowds
cheering for the heir of David on the road to Jerusalem.
Our hearts cry, “Hosanna,” as we meet Jesus in worship today.
“Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.”

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St Patrick’s Remix Congregational Prayer

We bind onto ourselves

the loving power of God our Creator,

the enlivening power of the Spirit of Truth,

and the steadfast faithfulness of Jesus Christ.

We bind onto ourselves the virtues

Of our God, three in one.

We bind onto ourselves 

the glories of the earth, this gift:

The power of Heaven,

The light of the sun,

The brightness of the moon,

The splendour of fire,…

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God our Provider Call to Worship

God our Provider,
we walked into church today
needing you in different ways.
Some of us need strength
because we are facing a big challenge.
Some of us need hope,
because we are feel like giving up.
Some of us need love
because we are feeling alone.
We trust that you will provide for us,
whether through words or music,
or in a quiet moment of reflection.
You are here,
you are with us.
Bless our time together. Amen.

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Prayer for Those Committing Sexual Offences

This prayer is for all who are making a big mistake today,
especially those who are committing a sexual assault
or abusing someone who trusts them.
God of truth, you know their actions, you hear their words.
Lies, manipulations, plotting.
Threatening, hunting, cornering.
Overpowering, hurting, dominating.
All of these actions devastate the victim.
They also lead the one who does them towards death:
each act obliterating tenderness,

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God of our Hearts Call to Worship

God of our hearts…here we are!

We’ve come with thirsty hearts,

praying that your word will satisfy us.

We come with aching hearts,

praying for good news to comfort us.

We come with overflowing hearts,

praying for a chance to share your love.

You, who know our hearts and hear our prayers,

be with us now in this hour of worship. Amen.

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Beauty of Holiness Call to Worship

Come, worship the Lord
in the beauty of holiness.
Holiness present in the silent pulse
of the earth beneath us.
Holiness present in the beating
of the sun and stars.
Holiness present in the chorus of life,
breathing together, even here in this room.
God of creation,
open us to the beauty in and around us
in this hour of worship

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Open Call to Worship

Open our ears
to hear your word.             
Open our eyes            
to see your presence.
Open our arms
to the embrace of community.
Open our minds
to the beauty of truth.
Open our hearts
to the joy of new life.

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Snowy Congregational Prayer

God, we have come to worship stomping snow off our boots,
our eyes watering and cheeks stinging from the cold.
Some of us have had to shovel our way out of our homes,
others have picked our way carefully on slippery sidewalks.
Thank you for bringing us here to worship
through this crystal-covered world,
where all the outlines and the sounds are softer.
Thank you for the mysterious beauty of this winter season. 
We pray today for all who face hardship because of winter;
for those who can’t afford heating, or who can’t afford both heat and food,…

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Epiphany Congregational Prayer

God of seekers:
Thank you for all who are on a journey this year:
a journey to give birth to a child,
a journey to lay a loved one to rest,
a journey to complete a school program,
a journey to pay big bills,
a journey to find a job,
a journey to find themselves.
Thank you that you are the Sender,
sending us to places we would rather not go
to meet people we would rather not meet.
Forgive us when we are too comfortable to get up,

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About Carol Penner

I am a Mennonite pastor currently teaching theology at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve served congregations in Ontario and most recently, Alberta.

I love to write and to lead worship! If you are finding my writing helpful, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to use or adapt the material here, it is all written by me. If printing material, please credit “Copyright Carol Penner” (and say whether you modified it). If publishing, please contact me for permission. Contact me at

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