God of every country, thank you for this country:
for its beauty…from coast to coast to coast,
for blue oceans on three sides,
for great prairies, vast forest and stretching tundra,
for every rushing river and great lake
for Hudson’s Bay and the islands of the north,
all created by you, giving glory to you.
Thank you for all the creatures with whom we share this country;
the polar bear and the bowhead whale, the mighty moose and the fox,
the Canada goose and the honey bee, the Coho salmon and the beaver.
Thank you for Canadian people, rich in cultural diversity,
from First Nations and many nations.
We confess that the history of this country
is filled with injustices, where land was stolen,
and people have been persecuted for their culture, their language
and the colour of their skin.
Help us pursue justice and work for peace.
Thank you for democratic government,
we pray for wisdom and guidance for our Prime Minister _____________,
our MP ____________ and our MLA______________,
and our mayor _______________.
From local to national, give our politicians the gift of honesty,
and strength to resist temptation that power brings.
Help them as they make laws about the land,
about the air, about the water.
You have a vision of what peace is,
help us live in that peace and towards that peace.
Help us to be a people of vision, and courage, and commitment,
offering your hope and comfort to all we meet.
Be with us this week, especially with those in our congregation
who are sick in mind or body, and those who grieve,
we think especially of ______________________.
Give us strength as a church to live as citizens of your kingdom
as we work for the peace in our country, Canada.
We pray all this in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, Amen.