Carol Penner

Shiny Call to Worship

We come seeking Jesus,
the Light of the world!
Shine in our hearts Lord Jesus!
We believe in the strength of God
to illuminate our bleakest night.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness shall not overcome it.
God, in this hour of worship,
kindle in us the light of your love.
Let your light shine through us,
and through our community, always.

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Faith and Hope Offering Prayer

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for,
and so in faith and with assurance we give our money this morning.
We hope in a generous God who meets our needs.
We hope in a creative God who multiplies our gifts.
We hope in a mysterious God who invites us to kingdom living.
God of grace, accept these gifts and us in your service, Amen

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Giving and Receiving Offering Prayer

We are the Receivers,
receivers of love
receivers of grace
receivers of Jesus.
We are the Givers,
giving where we see a need,
giving out of the bounty we have,
giving as followers of Jesus.
God, we give these offerings for the work of your kingdom,
with humble thanks for mercies received.

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Love Story Reader’s Theatre

  This poem takes approx. 7.5 minutes to present…it was presented in a worship service preceded by the gospel hymn “God is Love”.  Reader One should be a mother.]

One:  It was a love story from the beginning.

Two:  Come let us all unite to sing, God is love!

Three:  Love of Creator for day-by-day creation,

One:  love of Adam for Eve,

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Whole Body of Christ Congregational Prayer

God of grace:
Thank you for Alberta, our beautiful province,
land of prairie and boreal forest, rolling hills and  towering mountains.
Thank you for our connection to this land,
our favourite spots and places, where we seek out beauty and peace.
Thank you for Alberta’s connection to the rest of Canada,
its connection to our continent, its oceans,
for the atmosphere we share with the whole world,
for the deep heat of the earth’s core
that is the base of every country on earth.
Thank you for the unity of the world,
even as we love certain parts of it,

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An Everlasting Light: Prayer for Bethlehem

God of grace, today we pray for peace for the city of Bethlehem.
It has had more than its share of conflict,
as it changed from a little town

to a bustling city visited by millions each year.
You know the walls that separate people in Bethlehem;
walls of concrete, walls of prejudice, walls of hatred,
walls between Israeli and Palestinian,

walls between Jew and Christian and Muslim,
walls between cultures and languages.
We can hardly think of another place on earth
with such high walls and such deep hostility.
Yet this is where you were born:

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Born into Darkness

Jesus is born into darkness,
a darkness that’s over the deep:
the deep sorrowing of our world,
the mourning over murdered children,
the soft sobbing of the hungry,
the wailing over bombed cities,
the despairing over a polluted earth,
the crying over our own sad stories.
On our darkest Christmas eve,
when we’ve forgotten what light looks like,
a baby is born. …

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This Christmas Call to Worship

We give thanks to you God,
for the body of a tiny baby,
life and breath in a tiny ribcage.
Immanuel, God with us,
a promise of salvation.
We give thanks
for loving parents,
for the light of a star,
for the radiance of angels,
for the running feet of shepherds,…

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New Year’s Benediction

May the God who gave us this year
and the Saviour who walked at our side each day
and the Spirit who filled us with life abundant,
grace the coming year with peace and hope and joy,

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About Carol Penner

I am a Mennonite pastor currently teaching theology at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve served congregations in Ontario and most recently, Alberta.

I love to write and to lead worship! If you are finding my writing helpful, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to use or adapt the material here, it is all written by me. If printing material, please credit “Copyright Carol Penner” (and say whether you modified it). If publishing, please contact me for permission. Contact me at

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