Carol Penner

Child Dedication Blessing

Little girl, welcome to this house of worship

and to the community of faith.

Prayers have surrounded you these many months

as we waited expectantly for your safe arrival.


Little girl, you are a magnet for our love,

a compass that points to your Creator.

We are drawn to your fresh beauty,

fascinated by your personality, newly-minted….

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Dementia 2

Crippled by a mind

that sees menace in every corner

and malice in every look,

the anguished soul cries, “No more.”

At the last,

her sigh a white flag,

cheek resting on her hand,

weary beyond measuring,

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Dementia 1

Today I’m praying for one

imprisoned in their own mind,

locked behind bars of anguish

that no key can open.

Are you the God of the disordered mind?

Do you watch as ropes of anxiety

already tight pull tighter still,

making death seem a sweet release?

When being is misery, Lord,

the gift of life is torture.

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Peter’s Story: He is Risen!

On Friday night we left the tomb in silence,

our feet heavy on that grave road,

clinging to each other for support

every face wet with tears.

Our steps beating out the refrain of our hearts,

“He’s dead, he’s dead.”

No sleep for me all that long night.

Each time I closed my eyes

I was again on that road to Jerusalem

palm branches waving,

again at a table with Jesus

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The Grudge

The grudge sits squat and heavy

in the middle of the road between two people.

Built of solid rock by a team of experts

schooled in hurt feelings,

every chink is cemented with spite.

There are no windows or doors.

Unmovable as a mountain

it sits in the thoroughfare saying,

“Road closed.”…

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The Final Hour

The family sits on either side of the bed.

The reedy rhythm raises her chest

slightly up, slightly down.

The quiet breathing slows, pauses,

resumes again, shallower now.

Life seeps away as night deepens.

Death dawns, gentle as silence.

This was the final hour….

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Jealousy the Green-Eyed Cat

Jesus, please do something

about this green-eyed cat jealousy

who has parked herself in my house

purring discontent.

She seemed sweet enough on the doorstep

with her message of “poor you”. 

Once in, she patted me with soft paws mewing,

“that’s not fair” and “you deserve better”.

She lapped up all the milk of human kindness

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Thanks for All Food!

Thank you God for all food,

grown, raised, bought, served;

for all food,

tangy, spicy, salty, sweet;

for all food,

crunchy, juicy, chewy, smooth;

for all food,

baked, boiled, roasted, raw.

For all food,

thanks, praise, glory, honour

to our Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer.
Bless this food to our use,

and us to your service. Amen.

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Prayer for the Orphaned

We pray today for children in our communities

who live without either of their parents:

children whose parents have died,

children who have been abandoned,

children taken away from their parents because of abuse or neglect,

and children who have run away from home.

You care for these little ones God,

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About Carol Penner

I am a Mennonite pastor currently teaching theology at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve served congregations in Ontario and most recently, Alberta.

I love to write and to lead worship! If you are finding my writing helpful, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to use or adapt the material here, it is all written by me. If printing material, please credit “Copyright Carol Penner” (and say whether you modified it). If publishing, please contact me for permission. Contact me at

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