Carol Penner

Sermon: Epiphany in the Ordinary and Everyday – Matthew 2:1-15, Genesis 28:10-16, John 1:51

The story of Jacob’s ladder, and the story of the magi, are two very different stories of epiphany, from very different parts of the Bible.  But they both teach us that epiphanies are gifts.  And in some epiphanies there is choice involved.  You can choose to do the work of unpacking the epiphany. You can take the journey it calls you to.  You can embrace the epiphany, tell your family about it, and be forever changed. Or you can walk by the revelation, you can refuse to believe it’s happening in your ordinary, everyday time.  

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Sermon: “What about him?” Comparisons in the Community of Faith – John 21:15-23

I picture an old, old man sitting at a table. He sits at a table near an open window.  He can see the hills of Ephesus through the window.  Another person sits with him, a person with vellum and ink.  He’s writing.  The old, old man, whose name is John, is telling a story, a story about a Saviour, a man named Jesus.  The word became flesh and dwelt among us. John has spent his life telling stories, telling about meeting Jesus by the sea, the years they spent together, the healings, the miracles, the teaching.  The terrible days when Jesus was crucified, and then about his rising from the dead, his appearances. John has been sitting in this chair, at this table, telling the story for days, weeks perhaps, trying to get it all down.  He’s been asked to have this story written down…

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Sermon: Jesus Saves–An Introduction – Mark 8:27-37, Psalm 27

We are starting a sermon series where we will try to unpack how Jesus saves us. We are a Christian church, we come here and read stories about Jesus, we pray to Jesus, we sing songs of praise to Jesus…what does this mean? Particularly as we head into the Good Friday and Easter season, we wonder, what did Jesus’ death on the cross have to do with it? How does Jesus save us? How might Jesus save us?

There are as many ways to talk about being saved as there are Christians, but theologians have observed that our thinking falls into certain categories. There are word pictures or metaphors we use to describe the mystery of how God saves us, many of which are drawn from scripture. Certain metaphors have tended to be popular in certain denominations or in certain time periods.

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Telling Your Story Offering Prayer

God, with the action of this offering we tell your story:

how you have dealt generously with us,

how you have met our needs,

how you have heard our prayers,

how your goodness is from everlasting to everlasting.

Bless these offerings which are given in the name of Christ,  Amen.

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God Calls Offering Prayer

God calls us to be generous

not when all the bills are paid

not when we have everything we need

not when we see our way clear.

God calls us to be generous now,

in this present moment,

trusting in God who is our Provider. 

And so we give freely, as we have received freely,

we love fully as we have been fully loved.

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About Carol Penner

I am a Mennonite pastor currently teaching theology at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve served congregations in Ontario and most recently, Alberta.

I love to write and to lead worship! If you are finding my writing helpful, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to use or adapt the material here, it is all written by me. If printing material, please credit “Copyright Carol Penner” (and say whether you modified it). If publishing, please contact me for permission. Contact me at

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