Worship – Congregational Prayer

Praying with the Anabaptists: Five Hundred Years Later

Reforming Spirit,
you blew through the lives
of common folk in Switzerland in 1525.
A realization gradually dawned
that what they had been taught from childhood
about being a Christian
was not the only way to think.
Reading the Bible opened a new way.
They envisioned a church
not automatically filled with…

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Joyful Pentecost Prayer

n this season of spring, God,
we see your Spirit pouring through our world;
leaves unfurling with delicate beauty,
birds waking us up with their spring songs,
the good soil filled with worms and potential,
lilacs pouring forth their fragrance,
green as far as the eye can see!
The earth in all its glory—it fills us with joy!
Thank you for your Spirit
moving through us in other ways;
for the way love bubbles up,
finding a way even in hard times.
Thank you for the strength you give us

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Teach Us to Pray

We are told we are not alone,
that you are with us.
You are as close as a prayer,
close as our heart.
Yet why do you feel so far away, God?
Teach us to pray! 

For those among us
who didn’t take time to pray this week–
forgive us for not turning to you.
We prioritized many things, 
but missed what was essential.
We failed to call home,
even though you are waiting for our call.

For those among us who wanted to pray,
but didn’t know how to pray this week–
show us that we can long for you,
even when there are no words. 
We can turn our gaze upon you,

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Prayer for a Congregational Meeting

Thank you, God, for this congregation.
You have been with us since day one.
Your presence guiding us,
your light leading us even in difficult times
when the path was hard to find.
Bless our annual general meeting this year.
We want to give thanks to those who served,
and empower those who take on new positions….

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May Day Congregational Prayer

On this May morning
as the very ground around us 
is resurrected from winter’s death,
we are filled with thankfulness.
New colours blaze around us:
crowds of golden daffodils,
flotillas of white blossoming trees
and every possible shade of green.

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No Taking Sides Prayer

God of our side, and God of our enemies’ side,
hear our prayer:
we need your help here on planet earth.
With heavy hearts we confess
the brokenness on our beautiful blue planet.
Hear the sound of gunfire,
see the bomb craters,
taste the bitterness of people hating people,
smell the fear that permeates our lives,
touch the hearts of the wounded.

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Embracing Peace Congregational Prayer

Thank you, God, for snow!
Thank you for the brilliance of a Canadian winter
and the way snow changes our landscape,
unifying it, showing us new shapes and contours.
Thank you for children who delight in snow,
embracing snowmen, digging tunnels and sliding down slopes.
Thank you for the way snow interrupts our grownup lives.
slowing us down, helping us rely on our neighbours.
The snow is an invitation to experience peace,
the peace of the world in winter.

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Looking for Good News Advent Prayer

In these trying times,
there is so much to be thankful for.
Thank you for the taste of gingerbread and chocolate,
for the cheeriness of twinkly lights at night,
for the fragrance of cedar and pine,
and the feel of warm drinks in our hands on a cold day.
Thank you for the way familiar carols sink into us
bringing back memories of Christmases long past.

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Thanksgiving in Times Like These

God of all great gifts,
hear our thanksgiving prayer!
Thank you for this beautiful world spinning its way through space,
the earth, our home, magnificent beyond understanding.
Thank you for the golden sun beaming out energy,
and for moonlight and starlight gracing the night.
Thank you for the cycle of seasons and most particularly for autumn:
streams of golden grain flowing from combines,
fresh green and red apples mounded on market shelves,
pumpkins lined up at roadside stands.   

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About Carol Penner

I am a Mennonite pastor currently teaching theology at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario. I’ve served congregations in Ontario and most recently, Alberta.

I love to write and to lead worship! If you are finding my writing helpful, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to use or adapt the material here, it is all written by me. If printing material, please credit “Copyright Carol Penner www.leadinginworship.com” (and say whether you modified it). If publishing, please contact me for permission. Contact me at carol@leadinginworship.com

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